
The Enchanting Music of Sign Language by Christine Sun Kim (2015) [TED Summary]

Christine Sun Kim was born deaf, and she was taught to believe that sound was not part of her life, that it was a hearing thing. Through her art, she finds similarities between American Sign Language and music, and she realizes that sound should not be known only through the ear - can be felt, seen and experienced as an idea. In the TED video, she explains how he interacts with sounds in his life and in her work. In this video,  she invites us to open our eyes and ears and participate in the rich treasure of visual language.

School visit report

I did visit school at MTsS Al-Mannar Banda Aceh in class 2c MTsS, the goal was to observe what media were used by teachers in the classroom and I observe in class 2c. There are 20 students in the class and all of the student in the class are women. Time of teaching and learning process 08.50 – 10.10 (Second course). Before starting the lesson, At the beginning of the lesson the teacher reviews a bit about the previous material. After reviewing the previous material then the teacher starts with the new material. Media used by teachers is a book. At that time, the learning material was about quantifier. During the learning process takes place, the teacher also teaches the students how to pronounce a word. When explaining the material, the teacher does a pretty good interaction with the students and the students respond well. Class is relaxed and the students enjoy the class. The media used by the teacher is a book, but the teacher is not too fixated on the book. When teaching an

Why Is “X” The Unknown ? By Terry Moore [TED Summary]

In mathematics, the letter "x" represents an unknown variable. It's also arguably one of the most popular in its packaging. We can see everywhere: Generation X, X-Files, and TEDx. So why does "x" represent the unknown? Terry says that, A few years ago, he decided to start learning Arabic. He considered it a very precise language and full of information. Learning a language, and even speaking, is similar to composing a mathematical equation. Perhaps this is why everything we know as science, engineering, and mathematics has derivation in the Arabic system, especially algebra. When Arabic texts entered Spain in the 11th century, Europe wanted to translate this mathematical wisdom from the East into a written Western language. Attempts to do so, however, proved problematic. As it turns out, the Arabic voice does not translate well into European speech patterns, nor is there sufficient character to represent these voices. The Arabic word meaning "


A.     Conclution             There are some advantages and disadvantages of the gadget, but it is revert to those who use the gadget whether they are more looking from the positive direction or not. In the use of gadgets for children should remain under parental supervision, so children are not addicted to using gadgets. Conclusion in this case is using gadget for the children has more disadvantage than advantage and it is not very good for the children to use it. The most important is about their health, when they are do not know limit to play with the gadget and play it 24hours per day they could  have a problems wih their eyes and their brain. Terrible Child Aggression, A study by the National Institutes of Health found that the increase in use of modern technology can break the old boundaries of family, values, behavior and children’s well-being. Some games available in the internet portray sex, murder, torture and mutilation, which can make kids violent and aggressive. On the


A.     Finding Researcher made this research to discuss about phenomenon of gadget and how it affected childrens around us. There are several  reasons why the researcher want to make this research are first childrens forget how to play traditional game, like ‘ Congklak ’, ‘ Pecah Piring’, ptak umpet and other traditional games. Then social change, the children now prefer to spend their time to playing gadgets rather than playing with and hanging out with their peers. The children now also rarely play in their environment because they prefer gadgets.             Based on research conducted by the researcher making this research to be happen, the researcher have questions to children why they prefer to play gadget rather than playing traditional games and what is the affect of gadget to them. Based on the hypothesis of the researcher, the researcher tries to guess the answer of the hypothesis, the first guess is children who are use the gadget because it is more popular than the


THE INFLUENCE OF GADGET TO CHILDREN A.     Background Contemporary young children are part of the generation of digital natives (Fleer, 2011; Prensky, 2001a, 2001b). Young children in this study refer to children aging from 0 to 8 years (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997). They live in a world enveloped by technologies and use technologies in their daily life (Hague & Payton, 2010; Plowman, Stevenson, Stephen, & McPake, 2012). Many countries recognize the increasing role of technology in children’s lives. They emphasize the development of technology-integrated curricula that are developmentally appropriate for young children and that help to bridge young children’s digital experiences at home and in school (Mawson, 2003; McKenney & Voogt, 2009; Plowman, Stevenson, McPake, Stephen, & Adey, 2011). The development of technology today is very advanced. Thus the technology also greatly affect the development of early childhood, because technology is one that is also call

Using Puppet As A Media For Teaching Speaking Narrative Text [Part V]

1.1. Implementation of puppet in teaching speaking narrative text Wood (1996:104) states that small group working technique is also sometimes referred to collaborative or cooperative learning. Students work together to get insight and ideas, solve problems, complete assignments, or do laboratory tasks and other types of projects exercises. By making groups, the teacher can manage the class easier. Besides that the students have to try how they work with other people who have the different abilities. there were three activities. Those were, first, the teacher gave brainstorming to the students about the topic. Then the teacher explained the material (narrative text) to the students clearly. The second activity, the teacher explained about the puppet and gave the example of puppet show. After that the teacher asked the students to make the dialogue about a story of narrative text. The students had to change a written story into dialogue use their language and they wrote down in a p